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Pre Primary- Mother Teacher & Coordinator, Primary- Mother Teacher, EVS, Maths, English, Hindi & Telugu, Middle School (Classes VI TO VIII) English, Maths, Social Science, Science, Hindi & Telugu, Secondary (Class IX & X), English, Maths, Social Science, Science, Hindi & Telugu, Keyboard Instructor (Full/part Time), Computer Teacher, PET, librarian, Nurse, Special Educator, Front Office Assistant, PA Familiar with CBSE Producers, , Art & Craft Teacher
Job Details:
Job Details
Pre Primary- Mother Teacher & Coordinator, Primary- Mother Teacher, EVS, Maths, English, Hindi & Telugu, Middle School (Classes VI TO VIII) English, Maths, Social Science, Science, Hindi & Telugu, Secondary (Class IX & X), English, Maths, Social Science, Science, Hindi & Telugu, Keyboard Instructor (Full/part Time), Computer Teacher, PET, librarian, Nurse, Special Educator, Front Office Assistant, PA Familiar with CBSE Producers, , Art & Craft Teacher
School Details:
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St Peters High School, Hyderabad
, Hyderabad, Telangana
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Date of Entry - 01-02-2023 Remarks - Apply Now Apply Here
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